
The next few verses in ourEphesians study need some careful research.  I’ve heard and read these verses taught several different ways, and I want to give them the most accurate treatment I can, so I’m going to put a hold on that until next week.  Also, I don’t want to start on this passage and then not finish it until next week, so I’m stepping away from it until Monday.

Here’s a meme that caught my eye and my interest this morning: Tired

I have commented many times that there are two things people are seeking when they come to my office:  Hope and peace.  Hope that things can and will improve, and the inner peace that will allow them to rest, to sleep, and to get through their days without falling apart.

The hope I can offer them is Jesus Christ.

The peace I can offer them is Jesus Christ.

Of course, there are many ways I go about it.  We are what we think (Proverbs 23:7).  It is what we believe, what we think about, that motivates our emotions and behaviors.  If one believes that life is dire and nothing but trouble, then he will be Eeyore.  In the story illustrations, Eeeyore is actually kind of cute and loveable.  Believe me,  cute and loveable are not the characteristics that a persistent Eeyore is known for.  So I try to help those people examine their negative thinking patterns and learn to control them in a more positive (biblical) direction.

Peace comes only when we accept a few basic principles:  You can’t control what other people say or do.  It’s not your job.  You can only control how you react to others.  That is your job.  What other people say about you is none of your business.  What a relief it is to really get hold of that one and to quit wondering and worrying about what other people think.  Not your job. Stop it!

Finally, true peace comes from learning Philippians 4:4-8.  We are told that when we stop worrying and start praying about everything, with grateful hearts and a begging demeanor, we will have the peace that passes understanding.

There will always be trouble.  There will always be people in your life who have no good will toward you. There will always be loss and heartbreak.

There will always be Satan’s attempt to thwart the purposes of God, and sometimes believers bear the brunt of Satan’s evil.  Don’t worry.  Our future is secure with God, and He will have the final victory.

Isaiah 26:3.  “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.”

Psalm 119:165. “Great peace have they which love Thy law; and nothing shall offend them.”

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