Sunday Afternoon Collapse

It got really HOT outside today. After our week of mild weather, this 90+ temperature hit me like a wall!

Church was wonderful today. Missionaries from Bolivia spoke in both Sunday school and the morning service. It was so interesting to hear about the work among indigenous tribes who have never heard the gospel. We had a lunch after the preaching service, and then a hymn-sing. I always love it when we do that.

We made a stop at Aldi’s on our way home, but I couldn’t get the Advil I needed. So we stopped again in Pennsburg, and I got my Advil. We finally made it home around 4:15, to a hot house! We quickly closed the windows, shutting out the hot air, and turned the A/C back on. We haven’t needed to use it much this week.

There’s nothing quite like singing together informally with other believers. We had a good time of fellowship, music, good food, and fun.

Our church is not boring 🙂