Beware the Scammers!

I read about a scam that can drain every cent of your bank account. This is not a Bible study post, but I found it quite upsetting because the criminals target older people who are believed to not be computer savvy, and plays on their sympathies.

The main identifier, if you get caught in one of these criminal operations, is that you will be told you have to purchase gift cards in order to repay money that you are told you owe. That’s the tip-off that it’s time to STOP doing whatever it is you’re being asked to do. Notify your bank, because these people can access your computer. You may need to open a brand new account at your bank in order to rid yourself of these crooks. And change your account passwords to your computer and social media sites.

It seems that there is always a new scam brewing, a new way for the bad guys to steal you blind. Don’t be gullible. If you have an. uneasy feeling, it is a sign for you to stop, right there and then. Don’t let a feeling of obligation or “being nice” lure you into giving them access to your money.

Sometimes it can be a phone call saying that you have been billed for something you didn’t purchase. The devious crook will try to convince you that you DID purchase whatever, and try to persuade you to give him your bank account number so he can withdraw the funds. Never, ever give such numbers to ANYONE over the phone. Same goes for credit cards, social security numbers, etc.

What these evil people are counting on is your tender conscience. They know how to manipulate you into compliance. Don’t. Hang up. If you have a cell, you can block their phone number. If you’re still using a land line, make sure you have caller ID so you can identify the caller, and just don’t pick up.

These same types of scammers are also capable of trapping children into sending them explicit photos. You should make sure all cell phones in your home have location information disabled. Be strict with your chlldren’s cells. Do NOT allow them to have their cells in their bedrooms at night. Make them delete Tik Tok, which is a primary source of entrapment for unsuspecting kids who thought they were just looking for friends.

I could go on for a long time. All of this just makes me SO angry, churning up my stomach. Don’t worry about hurting anyone’s feelings or being impolite in these situations. That’s what they’re counting on.

I’ve read so much about police who are frustrated in their efforts to take these people down, partly because they are often from different countries; or, they live within the USA but in a state that has no extradition agreements with other states. Criminals know how to protect themselves.

Evil is always with us. These people are totally corrupt, preying on the innocent and trusting. You don’t need to worry about hurting their feelings. They have no conscience, no regret for the pain they cause.

When in doubt, leave it out. Hang up. Block them. Protect yourself, or they will relieve you of your hard-earned savings. They like older widows. Easy pickings. Don’t be a victim.