Sunday Morning Coffee: Not Yet

Terry asked me if I were going to church today. I’d been thinking about it, and I WANT to go. But the pain is still intense, I really can’t be on my foot more than a few minutes. and I just don’t think I’m up to it yet. Maybe in a week, when I’ve done the stretching exercises more, and have increased the reps. We’ll see.

But I have much for which to be thankful, and that’s where I want to focus .
I saw the foot/ankle specialist. After looking at my xrays, listening to me carefully, he said, “Plantar fasciitis.” I was surprised, because I’ve had that before, years ago, and the pain is different this time. But as I listened to him, I was satisfied. He doesn’t want to give me any pills :). He doesn’t want to go in and whack off the heel spurs, because he says they’re not in the right place for where the pain is. Instead, he said to treat it like an injury–stay off my foot as much as possible. Do stretches (my feet are SORE from those!). And he gave me a gel heel cup that really does make a difference. We discussed shoes, too. I can’t tell you how relieved I am that surgery is off the table. I was really dreading that possibility.

If you’ve ever had it, this will be familiar to you:

Plantar Fasciitis Review - Sports Medicine Review

I’m thankful for good, practical medical advice. Thankful we have good insurance that allows me to leave the office without leaving a large part of our bank account at the same time. Thankful for a patient and supportive husband, and for so many friends who have prayed for me and still are praying. Thankful that, although the pain is debilitating, it’s nothing worse, and should clear up in 6-9 months, getting better all the while.

I’m thankful that it’s October. I love this month, favorite month of fall. Color. No humidity, no mosquitos. Crystal clear skies, huge billowy white clouds. Fall flowers are brilliant. Cool night, comfortable days. Thank You, Lord, for October.

I’m thankful for some of the small jobs I’ve been able to work on these past weeks and months. Things I can do sitting down, and they’re not really noticeable to anyone else but me. Drawers organized and STUFF thrown out. Bookshelves cleared of things I hadn’t had time to read. All kinds of time to read now. More to be done there, but at least it’s a start. I’ve been using up some of my yarn stash, making winter hats for the homeless along with the sleeping mats I make from plastic bags. These are all things I can do sitting down.

I’m thankful for emails and messenger that help me keep in touch with my kids/grandkids who live in Europe. For some, we communicate almost daily. Couldn’t do that without wifi, phones, computers. I hate typing on my phone, so for me it’s my laptop. I watch others who are so fast just with their thumbs, and it makes MY thumbs hurt just to watch them. Takes me forever to text on my phone.

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: I’m SOOOoooo thankful for my adjustable bed! My back is doing pretty well through all the mess with my foot pain. If they both came together at the same time? The statement, “Just shoot me!” comes to mind. Not seriously, but sort of 🙂

Okay, that’s it for now. Have a blessed Sunday, my friends. Go to church. Fellowship with other believers. Enjoy the music and the teaching/preaching. You’ll be glad you did.