
(Updated 9-19-22)

Someone has suggested to me that it would be a good idea to tell you a little more about myself.  I don’t really feel comfortable doing that, because I want this blog to be about my Savior. However, I understand my friend’s point.  She made some very good arguments.

I’m a 76-year-old wife of 54 years, mother of four, grandmother of nine.  I was born- again when I was five, through the loving and clear teaching of my Sunday school teacher. I was baptized at age eight by Dr. Richard Clearwaters at the Fourth Baptist Church in Minneapolis.

My dad was  a pastor from the time I was about 10 until he died when I was 46.  I still miss him.  He was one of the best Bible teachers I ever had, able to take the difficult concepts of God’s Word and make them understandable.  You can read a little bit about him in my post on Father’s Day.

My husband and I married the week after I graduated from Bible college in 1969.  In 1974 we moved from northern Michigan to Pennsylvania to work for Bethel Baptist Church in Sellersville, PA.  Dr. Richard Harris has been a huge influence in our lives; he is another pastor who is gifted with the ability to make clear the hard things of scripture.

Since my marriage, I’ve had three careers:  Full-time wife and mother; English and history teacher in Christian schools; and finally psychotherapist in a Christian counseling office from which I am now retired after 18 years in the same office.  During all these changes, I’ve always taught the Bible in some capacity, including Sunday school at all ages including adult women’s classes.  Occasionally, I’m privileged to be invited to speak at women’s conferences and seminars, which is one of my very favorite things to do.

Often, as I study, I hear my dad’s words in my memory as well as those of other great men and women of the Word  that it has been my privilege to hear over the years.  God has gifted me with the opportunity to hear many outstanding Bible preachers and teachers, and I feel very strongly that I have the responsibility to pass on what I have learned over the years. As long as I have life, breath, and a sound mind I want to share the Lord with those in my life.

This blog is an opportunity to continue to teach and study.  I am thankful.

82 thoughts on “About

  1. I think it is very encouraging to hear someone pledging allegiance yet another time to our Great God. There is so much discouragement out there, we surely can use it. Thank you for your sincere testimony!


      1. ssntodd

        I love your Bible messages. My Dad is a great preacher and Bible scholar like your dad. I love your articles. God Bless You!


  2. Anne

    And you also have children that love the Lord and consider themselves blessed to call you Mom. Those are reasons enough for me to be glad to have found you here and to know that I am privileged to learn from you.


  3. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Awards . . . | ronovanwrites

    1. Thank you, ever so much! Truly, truly appreciated, and I hope you won’t feel bad if I don’t do all the rules. I’ve done some of these, but I’ve just about decided not to do any more. Maybe I’ll change my mind when my calendar clears up a bit 🙂 Thank you so much for your follow, your comments, and your positive attitude!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I came across your blog last night and have so enjoyed reading it! (I still have lots of reading to do in your archives and look forward to it). You certainly have a talent for writing and teaching God’s word. I especially am enjoying your counseling issue posts and find them very educational. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!!


    1. I can always learn from someone else’s point of view. I’m not politcally correct, either, you know 🙂 And in most circles, my total belief in the veracity and reliability of God’s Word is no longer pc, as far as that goes. I’m not into religion so much as I’m into the Bible. Religion has been the result of what man has done, often incorrectly, in the interpreting of the Bible. So you can expect to see me again 🙂


      1. Wow!
        An excellent compliment for me! Thank you!!
        I’m sorry in advance… sometimes I can be pretty vulgar and heretical in my writings… I don’t want to hurt your feelings. It just my perception of the world.
        I sincerely respect and accept a personal choice of everyone.


      2. Well, I don’t enjoy vulgarity. Those posts will get a quick scan. Heretical? Probably won’t bother me much, since it is not my purpose here to get into debates with anyone at all. As you say, while I may not agree with you, I support your right to write 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Greetings!

    I’ve a request and am not sure where else to ask it. You had a lovely picture of Elizabeth and Mary meeting along with a meditation about “quite a party!” Am I free to copy, giving credit, and use that picture for A DAY APART, a retreat for Baptist women from Quebec and Ontario? I want to use it to represent χαίρω — to rejoice, be glad, root xar-, favourably disposed, leaning towards, cognate: xáris = grace”
    It would appear in the screen projection and a teeny-tiny copy would appear in the handouts. I am a “retired” Presbyterian minister, not a Baptist though I’ve enjoyed a good relationship with many Baptist clergy and was baptized by total immersion by a Baptist pastor when I was in university. As I have to submit all of my materials by next Friday, I’d very much appreciate a prompt answer. I tried to draw my own version but my art skills are quite rust and it just didn’t make it.


    1. Could you tell me the title of the post this picture was in? I’m going to search, too. Typically, I just pull these off the internet. If there is a copyright, I generally am not able to use the picture in my post. Let me see if I can find the one you’re looking for.


    2. Okay, the most I can find out is that the artis is Mary Webster Hawkley. I have no idea about copyright. But you will find the picture quite easily if you google “Mary visits Elizabeth,” or “Mary and Elizabeth Meet.”

      And I realy don’t think it matters what denomination you are when it comes to salvation 🙂 Hope you find the picture . You’re on your own from there.


  6. Hi Linda,

    Wishing you a happy Easter!

    I previously asked permission to use a poem of yours, which has subsequently been removed along with all other referenced writing (your poem is listed in my personal edition, along with your name). I would like to know if you would like a complimentary copy of my professional design PDF? If so, I will email you one! Thought it might make some nice Easter reading! Please let me know, thanks, Vonita.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for this blog…I just followed your other site and saw you had a bible study. I am a Christian and sometimes my day to day job can be draining, and this looks like a great way to read and be encouraged during lunch or while I am on hold for 20 minutes at a time!! Thanks for sharing your heart and how Jesus has changed you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Welcome! I’m so glad if my work encourages you. Writing the Bible study blog has certainly been a blessing to me, both in learning more about the Word, and in meeting wonderful new friends like you 🙂


  8. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award | Worldly Words

  9. Mightier Than Swords

    Hey there, Happy New Year!! You have a lovely blog, towards an even more lovely cause! we have interacted earlier. Right now, I write to you, because I need some invaluable help from you, if you would oblige. Do let me know how to get in touch!! Thanks!! CHEERS!!


  10. Thank you for sharing about yourself! I don’t like being the center of focus either. The only way I could create a blog is for it to be from the point of view of the Grandma Abigail character in the book I’m writing. My blogsite is centered around the book. I’m enjoying your posts! Thanks! Blessings ~

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, I hope that you will. I think we may have a few things in common. I’m nearing 65 and for the past few years have had to use a walker due to issues which developed from knee replacement. In the past we did a lot of traveling and spent a fair amount of time in airports, so I enjoyed the photo you shared and your post. God bless you!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I have had both knees replaced. I’m slowly becoming the bionic woman! In January I had surgery to fuse my left sacroiliac joint, and next month we’ll do the same on the right side. Aging does present its problems, but I wouldn’t change a thing 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. My goodness! My left knee needs replaced now. I so look forward to being able to walk again unassisted and to having more mobility and freedom. I expected to be about 20 years older, about the age my mom was, before I needed knee replacement. It could be much worse though and I appreciate all of the abilities which I still have! Praise God! Blessings~

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi Linda. It was great discovering your site this morning as we were studying the book of Isaiah and looking for a map pertaining to the highway from Egypt to Assyria. Its going to be enjoyable tagging along with you as we journey closer to our heavenly Father.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Again, it’s great to meet you. It took me three years to blog through the book of Isaiah. I learned so much! It’s an amazing book, and pertains to our world today. Thanks for coming on board 🙂


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