Saturday Soliloquy: I Hate Colds!

Drippy, stuffy nose. Sore throat. Sneezecoughcoughcoughsneeze. No fever, just a lot of misery. I’m still not sure if it’s a cold or an allergy. Things are blooming like crazy right now. Maybe a combination of both.

The good news is that it’s better today. I haven’t sneezed, coughed, or had to blow out my sinuses today, and it’s already 10:45 a.m. A little apple cider vinegar mixed with water is still one of the best remedies for a sore throat. I think I’m going to survive 🙂

Honestly, this past couple of weeks have gone by so fast that it feels as if all I’ve done is visit Terry at the hospital, brought him home, tried to encourage him into better sleeping and eating patterns, and blow my nose 🙂

Here’s something I’m learning: Once a person is retired, it’s very easy to lose track of which day of the week it is. The lack of routine is somewhat surprising to me, because I’m a person of routine. Terry, it seems, is not. He’s up ’til all hours of the night, eating poorly because he grazes all day, not sleeping well because of erratic bedtimes. Changing these habits is not easy, but we’re working on it. His erratic sleep is compounded by his restless leg syndrome. It particularly bothers the leg he injured 12 years ago when he broke–crushed–his heel. Don’t ever do that. It’s a really terrible injury.

The good news is that his energy is better, and he’s been working on some projects he had neglected. He’s not falling asleep over his supper any more.

I got a message from a friend this morning that her husband had what looked like a stroke, but has turned out to be brain cancer in the frontal lobe. I’ve known him since he was in college. How the years have flown! He’s retired now, and looks as if he’s in a fight for his life. Please pray for him.

Another thing I’m learning is that, as believers, we don’t dread death because it only takes us into the Presence of God. Yet there is that innate will to live, to hang onto life. My mom died at age 87, and was still determined to “set up housekeeping” once she got better. She didn’t want to give up. That’s a normal, and commendable, reaction.

Well, I’m rambling this morning. I need to do some housework–one of my least-loved tasks, so I need to get going. Hoping you all have a lovely weekend!

2 thoughts on “Saturday Soliloquy: I Hate Colds!

  1. In one respect I’m like Terry: falling and staying asleep has become a real problem. I’m often awake until 1:30 am. Urgent needs at 2:30 am don’t help, either, and once I’ve gotten up and back to bed again, it’s hard to fall asleep. I sometimes chuck the idea of sleep and get up at 3:30 am; it’s pointless to lie there thinking.

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