Saturday Soliloquy: Memories

How can it possibly be Saturday again? This week has flown by so fast!

The other day, someone posted a “never have I ever” list of things that related to the era of the 70s through the 90s. I think there were 20 statements. I lost one point, because as far as I can remember I’ve never listened to music on a Walkman.

I tried to find the list, but who wants to scroll through three or four days of Facebook?

It did bring back some fun memories, though. I was teaching a lot back then, and saw everything from spiral perms to pants falling down. I remember when all the “cool” kids started showing up in expensive leather jackets. It was painful for the kids whose parents just couldn’t afford it. We all know how important it is to dress like the cool kids, no matter what. I also remember when those leather jackets in the stores were literally chained to the display; they also had to ink-spraying anit-theft doodads on them.

Other question had to do with music. Yes, I’ve listened to 45 rpms, and to 33s. Yes, I have a big collection of CDs. Yes, I know how to upload them. Just don’t want to.

Yes, I’ve dialed a rotary phone. And a pushbutton phone. And I’ve used a telephone booth and a telephone book. Yes, I’ve seen black-and-white movies. Just a couple of days ago, I watched a silent Charlie Chaplin on TMC television. It was hilarious!

Last night I watched the original Cary Grant version of Arsenic and Old Lace. Raymond Massey, who later played Perry Mason, was the freaky-looking monsterish bad guy. He was thin and bony back then 🙂

Raymond Massey, Cary Grant, and Peter Lorre

Yes, I’ve worn nylon stockings held up by a garter belt. Thank goodness for panty hose, which I still use in spite of the fact that bare legs are now the “in” way to go. Not for me. My bare legs have veiny roadmaps on them. Not attractive.

No, I’ve never worn yoga pants in public. Never will. I grew up in the era in which women still wore girdles. I threw mine away centuries ago, but I still like to be modest. I don’t care to have THAT part of me being a sight for sore eyes.

A few years ago, Terry and I were driving through a college town. Herds of girls were going to and fro, and every single one was wearing black yoga pants. Are they a uniform of some sort? It used to be that jeans were de rigueur, Seems they’ve given way to yoga pants.

I’ll be 76 in July, so I’m no longer worried about having the latest fad or fashion. I like to look nice, but not at the expense of my self-respect 🙂 It’s one of the benefits of growing older. No one inspects your outfit the way high school girls inspect each other. What a relief!

Well, anyway, that walk down memory lane was fun and enlightening for me. Things have changed so much since 1947, when I Boomered into the population. The summer I was 10, we watched Sputnik travel across the night sky. The summer we were married was the summer of Woodstock and walking on the moon. Yeah, a long time ago.

3 thoughts on “Saturday Soliloquy: Memories

  1. This was a fun read. I believe that the pants I was wearing when Google street view caught me standing in front of my house a couple of months ago are yoga pants. I don’t know for sure, I bought them off the rack and I wear them to exercise in. But when I go out in public, I usually wear a dress.

    How things have changed, during my seventy years on the planet. The first rotary phone I used was on a party line. I still remember the phone number: HO8-3638. They used letters as well as numbers, back then. The HO stood for Homestead.

    Funny, I can remember the phone number we had 65 years ago, but I struggle to remember my husband’s cell phone number.


    1. We moved a lot when I was a kid, so I don’t remember phone numbers. But I do remember one that started with CH, for Cherry 🙂

      I don’t remember anyone’s cell number. Glad I have a contact list!

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