Question and Answer

In conversation with friends yesterday, the question came up about the post I wrote yesterday concerning Jesus walking on the water. As I wrote, I kept expecting to hear from Peter, who also walked on the water at Jesus’ invitation.

Image result for Peter walking on the water

Peter’s name is not mentioned in John’s account. So, is that a contradiction in the Bible?

No. It is simply an account written from the point of view of John, who presented Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Savior. Peter’s participation in this event is chronicled in other gospels, according to each writer’s point of view.

I did a little research on a forum in which this question was asked, and found a very good answer here:

 Singapore Moses Messenger of God, CEO in IT industry, Astronaut, Scientist

"Jesus walking on water" account is not included in Luke.

This episode is covered in Matthew 14:22-33 in Mark 6:45-52 and in John 6:16-21. However, the account of "Peter walking on the water" is not included in Mark, Luke and John.

Matthew was one among the 12 disciples of Jesus and he got the first hand information that he had seen Peter walking on water. Peter as a fisherman who knew how risky it was to attempt to walk on water. But he ventured because he knew who called him (Mt 14:24-29). Matthew wanted to add the following message to his audience. Even when we don't know who calls us, we run to the telephone the moment it rings! Many times it will be a wrong number call!

Mark on the other hand Jesus' step brother (Mt.13;55) who was a convert of Peter (1 Peter 5:13). 
He later worked with Paul(Col 4:10-11, 2 Tim 4:11; 1:24). He should have gotten the information Peter. He had NOT seen the episode of Peter walking on the water.

Matthew is written primarily for Jewish community where as Mark’s gospel meant for Gentiles (Roman believers). Mark wrote as a pastor to Christians who previously had heard and believed the Gospel (Romans 1:8).

In a nutshell, there are four different re-tellings from four different perspectives. Now granted, there are some differences. For instance, we might liken the account of Matthew and John to eye-witness accounts whereas Mark was the second-hand telling of the story (there is strong indication that Mark probably wrote his Gospel based off the teaching of Peter), and Luke would perhaps be better likened to a reporter who interviewed numerous people who had witnessed the crime and then compiled the data to give an accurate account. But the point remains the same. We have four testimonies that supply information about the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. They provide varied details, much commonality, they never contradict, and they stand as a very reliable set of witnesses to the person of Jesus.

In God’s wisdom, He inspired four Gospels to be written by men with different vantage points and with knowledge of specific information that sometimes varied so that when the life of Jesus would be put on trial, as it so often is these days, we could show just how strong these testimonies really are about Jesus of Nazareth. (

I also consulted The Harmony of the Gospels, by Bradley Galambos, which gives essentially the same answer as the one above.

In my opinion, there is no contradiction here. No one is leaving Peter out for any other reason than the leading of the Holy Spirit on each writer, who was recording his version of the story of Jesus according to a specific purpose:

Matthew: Jesus as Israel’s Messiah; Son of David

Mark: Jesus as the servant of God; Son of Man

Luke: Jesus as the perfect man; Son of Adam

John: Jesus as God in the flesh; Son of God

And so we get the complete picture of Jesus Christ, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, from the perspectives of four different men used by God, led by the Spirit, to increase our understanding and encourage our faith.

8 thoughts on “Question and Answer

    1. Wait–did I say he was? Hang on–have to go fix that—Oh I’m so relieved! I didn’t say it, but the one whose response I borrowed did. And I’m wondering if that’s perhaps a cultural thing. We would say he was simply Jesus’ brother; others like to clarify that he was a half-brother. In any case, I should have caught that, so thanks for pointing it out 🙂


      1. Not to worry, Linda. I am just like you in that I want everything I post to be correct and verifiable. I only made that comment because I knew you were only quoting another author. It was in no way a reflection on you. But Mark was not the Lord’s half-brother or brother. Jesus had four brothers, none of which were Mark. I don’t know why the source you quoted said that. The Scripture he or she used is not applicable.

        Bible studies are so much fun with the right people! Blessings to you.


  1. You know, I looked right at it and didn’t “see” it. Mark (john Mark) was, as you say, neither brother nor half-brother to Jesus. He was an evangelist who traveled with both Paul and Peter, but he was not one of the original 12 disciples. His story is interesting, and can be found largely in the Book of Acts. Some feel that he was the young man who ran away when Jesus was arrested, losing his garment in the process. There’s no solid evidence of that, however, and is remarkable because it is not recorded in the other three gospels.

    Mark’s mother, whose name was Mary, was a strong woman of faith who hosted what we today refer to as “house churches” in the early Christian community after Jesus ascended back to heaven. Lots of interesting reading, just be careful of what you read over the internet. Tradition can be VERY wrong!

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    1. Yes. That very well could have been Mark and probably was. Mark’s mother Mary apparently owned the house with the Upper Room. Barnabas and Mark were cousins. I remember studying this, trying to put the family connections together.

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  2. I don’t know why, but I was intrigued by Peter and Jesus walking on water this morning so since I have no place to go or people to see in the coronavirus infested county of mine, I decided to read the parallel scripture accounts and put the pieces together. Well, since Matthew is th eonly one who gives us Peter walking on water, that was easy. Thanks to your studies in John, I went back in time to Jesus walking on water to see what you had to say. I must have read it from the email instead of the wordpress site because I never entered the discussion, but–here I am now! I still am amazed that neither Mark (who wasn’t there so I can see why he may have zeroed in on a different prospective) but why didn’t John mention it? Perhaps because Peter and John did not always see eye-to-eye. Maybe John was not interested in giving out the information. It is interesting that although I am absolutely convinced that all of Scripture is Holy Spirit inspired, God allowed the personalities of the writers to come through. John heavily addresses the discourse on the Bread of Life but Matthew does not. I’m glad we have all four writers and a “puzzle” to piece together. I have to smile when I see weaknesses of the disciples. It helps us to put our focus on Jesus because He is the only person who deserves the spotlight!
    That was a L O N G versionof saying, “thank you, Linda” for your good verse-by-verse study. I am so prone to rabbit trail that I admire your steady focus.
    PS: I don’t believe that Peter refers to his experience of walk on the water in either of his letters. He mentions the Transfiguration though. That must have been more unforgettable that walking on a stormy sea!

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    1. I kept waiting for John to mention the incident. When he didn’t, I went on a rabbit-trail search of my own 🙂 I really love my “Harmony of the Gospels” book. Great resource. I’m so glad you found help in the post, Karyl.


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