Man of Sorrows

Isaiah 53:3.  “ He is despised and rejected of men; a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.

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He was a Man of Sorrows because He carried our sorrows! He personally had no sin, sickness, pain, or suffering on account of His own self and sins; but we have these in abundance, and since He came into the world to carry them for us, He had to become identified with us in our suffering by taking them upon Himself and bearing them unto death so that we might be free from them. Therefore, sorrow became a characteristic of His life during His sufferings in particular. He no doubt had sorrows from the time His sensitive, pure, sinless, and untainted life began to contact the sins, depravities, corruptions, sicknesses, diseases, and pains of others.

As often as I’ve read, heard preached, and studied the crucifixion of Jesus, I still don’t think I really grasp the horror it was for the pure, sinless, holy Son of God to take ALL the sin and sorrow of ALL mankind on Himself.  In fact, the reaction of the people was to hide their faces from Him as He suffered!

And today, we continue to despise Him.  We continue to refuse Him the esteem He so richly deserves.

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