Testimony of the Disciples

Matthew 28:16-17. “The the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw Him, they worshipped Him: but some doubted.

The other gospels give us much more detail about the last few times Jesus was with the disciples, but that is not the point of Matthew’s account. Here, Jesus is seen giving His final commission to His followers.

I have tried to imagine what the disciples must have been thinking; what they were feeling.  We know that some doubted; especially Thomas, poor man, whose name has come down through the centuries as if he were the only one who ever doubted.

The events of the past week had surely shaken the faith and the understanding of these men.  They had witnessed terrible things, feared for their own lives, and then been shocked to see the Lord risen from the tomb. I think we are too hard on them for their doubts.  I really don’t think any of us would have been any different.

So they worshipped Him, and yet there was some doubt.  They loved Him, they had followed Him, and in accounts in the other gospels we learn how lovingly He spoke with them, with such compassion and understanding.

He is God, after all; He was Man, after all.  He knew them better than they knew themselves, and He loved them.

What a Savior we have!

4 thoughts on “Testimony of the Disciples

  1. True and the way I look at it, God had all bases covered putting a doubting man in the picture. So then now, we benefitted form that when Jesus said seeing is not always believing. I wouldn’t know exactly what I’d do if I were one of the disciples. Oh, wait I know what I would do and Jesus would do a face plam all the time lol. Sorry, Linda God made me this way. love you.

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