Taking a Break

I’m going to take a week, maybe more, before I start my next series. I’m still not completely settled on what it will be, but the Lord does seem to be leading me to stay in the Old Testament. I know there is an attitude out there that the Old Testament has no bearing on believers in the Church Age, but I couldn’t disagree with that any more strongly than I do. There is a treasure chest of wisdom, theology, prophecy and human nature vs. the grace of God in the Old Testament.

(That’s Terry and I in the chairs 🙂 )

I’m taking this break to make a final decision on where to go next. Also, I’m taking it so I can focus on family. My South Dakota family will be here on Monday, and I haven’t seen some of them in over five years. They will be my major focus while they are here. I am so thankful that my recent physical issues seem to have finally given up in defeat, and I’m feeling much better. Also, I’m thankful that my oldest son and his wife are going to be the headquarters for my South Dakota bunch, which relieves me of a lot of work I just don’t have the energy to do any more. I had four people join us for supper on Monday night, and just doing a simple meal of burgers and chips wore me out. I spent most of yesterday recovering.

Never, ever did I see this happening to me. I’ll be 77 in July, and it shouldn’t surprise me so much that I can’t do what I did at 50! But there it is, and I have to accept the changes and enjoy letting the younger folks carry on. Actually, that is one of the blessings of growing older. If it weren’t for my hinky back, maybe I could still do more. I don’t know. But I have accepted my situation and I will just relax and enjoy my family in the next several days.

I’ll see you again some time in early July. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of spring!

4 thoughts on “Taking a Break

  1. Thank you Linda. I appreciate your work and will miss you. You did great with Psalms and I learned a lot. I’m sure you will choose correctly regarding the next series. In the meantime, enjoy your rest and have a wonderful time with family. You are blessed!

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