
Matthew 26:31. “Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of Me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.”

The calm dignity of Jesus at this moment impresses me.  It was beginning, the horror of the crucifixion, and still Jesus was teaching, warning,  encouraging the men who surrounded him. The tension must have been thick among them as they made their way to the mount of Olives.

“You will ALL be offended tonight because of Me!”  What could He mean?  How would they be offended  because of the Teacher, the One they had followed so faithfully for three years?

The word offense means caused to stumble.  

Ah. They would not be hurt and angry in our sense of the word offended. They would, however, trip and stumble over the events about to take place.  Their faith would be shaken, their hopes destroyed. They would wonder if it had all been for nothing.

But, He said, don’t worry.  After I rise from death, I will go into Galilee ahead of you.

Everything will be all right.

2 thoughts on “Offense

  1. I have a member of my extended family that is always “offended” and it makes me uneasy around that person; always wondering what I am going to go next that will offend this person. The example of Jesus here is outstanding. HE was not easily offended. In spite of the people that the the disciples saw for themselves restored to life, het they just didn’t understand, makes them so dull of mind. Peter is judged for his denials, but I think he and John really did understand.

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    1. Difficult people. I think their sole purpose in life is to keep everyone on edge. I’ve gotten to the point of just not worrying about it any more. They’re offended anyway, so there’s nothing to lose 🙂

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