Friday Counseling Issues: How am I Going to Get Through This!

The tearful, heart-rending question is asked often in my office:  How can I do this?  How will I get through it?  Linda, tell me what to do!  Isn’t there some way to stop it?  How am I going to stand it?

At the time, it does seem to the suffering person that she just can’t go on; that he can’t find his will to live. The pain is so deep and so heavy that it’s hard to take the next breath.  And yet, we do. We do keep on breathing, we keep on going through some semblance of living a normal life, even when everything meaningful is being swept away in a tsunami of fear, doubt, hurt and pain.

Life can be really hard.

I try not to interrupt my clients who are grieving so heavily.  In fact, I encourage them to cry, to vent.  Sometimes I’ve just sat and waited while someone weeps for half the session.  It’s a good thing I have access to a big supply of tissues!  When the pain is so acute that my clients can’t do much more than gasp and sob, there is no point in my handing them the most applicalbe scriptures I know. There is no point in throwing them cliche’s like, “Just trust the promises of God.”

Did you know that saying something like that, at the wrong time, only serves to exacerbate the misery?  The implication is clear that the person is NOT trusting God, so now he feels guilty on top of everything else.  We need to be careful about our words when we are in the presence of such grief.

Once the storm of weeping has subsided, and my client no longer interrupts me with another torrent of words and questions, I do this:  I tell her how sorry I am that she is suffering.  If it’s applicable, I tell her that her great, overwhelming anger and hurt are justified. I tell her that her reaction is normal. That she can expect to feel this horrible sense of loss, depression, anger, and confusion for some time.  Normal.  You’d be surprised how helpful it is to know that what you’re suffering is normal.

Finally, we’re able to talk, and that’s when I get down to practical help.

First I remind my client that even though he feels as if God has forsaken him, there is no truth in that feeling.  I go over again the idea that feelings change, and cannot be trusted; that truth remains the same no matter what the circumstances.

I remind my clients of God’s unconditional love; of His promise never to leave or forsake us; of Jesus’ own suffering on our behalf, and His feeling that God had forsaken Him as He hung in agony on the cross.

Then I take the person to Psalm 13, a little gem of David’s retrospection of an earlier time in his life when he felt God had forsaken him, and how in six short verses he returns to the joy of God’s salvation, even though his circumstances remained unchanged.

Now I can offer specific scriptures:  Psalm 119:165; Philippians 4:4-8; Jeremiah 29:11-15; Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 90 and 91.  As I read or recite some of these passage aloud, I often get to witness the visible relaxing of my clients’ body as the Word of God does its work.

I also like to mention Oswald Chambers.  In his wonderful little book My Utmost for His Highest, he offers this advice:  When you don’t know what to do, you pray and do the next thing.

We all have a next thing. We have to fold laundry, pick up the kids, grocery shop, go to work, make a call, clean the toilet. You get through whatever the trial is with incessant prayer and doing the next thing, whatever it may be. Put one foot in front of the other, keep moving. One day passes into another, and as time moves on, the hurt becomes less unbearable.

I know. You’re in the middle of your horror story, and you don’t think it will ever get any better. My friend, if you know the Lord, if you seek Him during your trial, I promise you that it WILL get better. Not today, or tomorrow, or next week or next month.  Maybe not even next year.  But at some point you will wake up and realize you did not cry during the night.

Weeping endures for the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). You have to walk through the pain.  There is no other way out but to go through it. The trick is to keep your eyes trained not on the darkness, but on the promise of Joy on the other side.

13 thoughts on “Friday Counseling Issues: How am I Going to Get Through This!

  1. Amen and amen.

    I was going to call my counselor today, but don’t need to now. 😉

    Your words speak to just where I was a few days ago. But God….

    This is a comment, not my own post, so I will simply say thank you for writing truth daily. Thank you for Friday Counseling Issues. Thank you for doing what you do every day to help your clients. The world needs more godly counselors like you.

    Be blessed with strength, wisdom, and joy today and every day.

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  2. Pingback: Friday Counseling Issues: How am I Going to Get Through This! | kathleenbduncan

  3. Thanks Linda. This is REAL ministry that you provide. The Lord is with you. One wonders how a human being can go through some of the things we do and actually survive. I KNOW THIS: Whatever grief we experience and for however long it may be, it is not forever if we turn on to the Lord, because He experienced it all before us and He won the victory. The victory is ours as well through Him. Though the pain is very real, His love is more real, and is greater.

    It is said that time heals all wounds. I think that might be better expressed as, “Time has a tendency to numb wounds.” But with the Lord, wounds are truly healed. One rises to live another day. And one has a great opportunity to help others get the victory through their own victory, which happened because of HIS victory.

    Be blessed. Keep up the great work.

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  4. Pingback: Sunday Scriptures | kathleenbduncan

  5. I’ll never forget tearing my Bible apart and cursing God when I was only 12 years old when my neighbor’s one year old baby drowned. The pregnant mother forgot about the poor baby when she sat him in the tub and went out to get her toddler for just long enough. We were there, my father tried to revive him and he was breathing for a few days on life support but when he died I went beserk. I KNEW God wouldn’t let that little sweetheart die. I was wrong and real wrong and mad at God for many years after that. It didn’t make me turn to a life of crime, but I really never prayed for the longest time. I thought why? Sometimes I think that now. I have had times of intense prayer for hours, days, months for the same person and sometimes miracles do occur, but often not. I am older, wiser and look at the big picture now. It’s not God’s fault, it’s life, it’s fragile and precious and up to us to love one another while we are here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a terrible experience. I’m sure that poor mother went through hell blaming herself. No, God is not to blame. Satan is, though, and he’s going to get what’s coming to him!


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