Daily Prompt: Mr. Sandman

(What kind of sleeper are you? Do you drop off like a stone and awaken refreshed, or do you need pitch black and silence to drift off to dream?)


For as long as I can remember, it has been a book that puts me to sleep.

My husband, on the other hand, barely touches his head to the pillow before he starts to snore.  I’ll never understand how he can do that. Never ever.

How on earth does anyone just snap off his brain? I mean, in MY head there’s this whirring projecter that never stops rolling.  Pictures, songs, TV shows, conversations, you name it–it stays in my head.  He, on the other hand, says “Good night.” and promptly goes to dreamland.

I need the Sandman.  If I’m exhausted, it will take me maybe ten minutes to nod off.  But if I’m not all that tired, it can be an hour or more before the eyelids roll down like venetian blinds and I float off to join my husband. And Mr. Sleepsalot  has set me up with a timer on my bedside light that turns itself off so I don’t have to wake up to do it. Very cool.

Of course, he’s an early morning person– which is without doubt the absolutely most irritating thing for anyone to be. Mr. Cheerful, he boings around like Tigger before the sun is up!

What I need for him is a Sandman who can keep him asleep at least until the birds stop singing and I’ve had my morning coffee!


2 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Mr. Sandman

  1. Anna

    Wow, can I ever relate to this one. 😉 I have asked your question as well, “My husband, on the other hand, barely touches his head to the pillow before he starts to snore. I’ll never understand how he can do that. Never ever.” How can he do that? I guess maybe some of these differences are part of the differences between men and women, or morning people and not morning people. Right?


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